Monday, March 18, 2013

Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip – and what’s the connection between taking a photo and the leftovers

 Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip

You know how this works! You buy a lot of stuff to prepare a recipe, mostly if you want to take a photo of it! This happened to me last time, when I cooked the spaghetti with avocado cream. So I must do something with the remaining avocado.

Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip

Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip

Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip


For the rice balls:
-          1 avocado
-          Juice of 1 lime
-          1 bunch of coriander
-          1 clove of garlic (grated)
-          1 shallot onion
-          Salt, pepper
-          400 g rice (cooked in salted water)
-          Flour, eggs, bread crumb, oil (for the crumb)

For the peanut butter dip:
-          3 tbsp. peanut butter
-          Juice of 1 lime
-          Chilli (to your taste)
-          50 ml water
-          50 ml cream

  1. Mix the avocado, lime, coriander, garlic and onion with the cream. Salt and pepper it, then stir it with the rice. Make balls and then crumb and fry them in hot oil.
  2. Mix the peanut butter with the juice, and then pour the water and the cream to it while stirring it continuously. Flavour the dip with chopped chilli.

Avocado cream rice balls with chili & peanut butter dip


  1. I've been thinking about making rice balls since they seem like perfect baby/toddler food. Adding avocado is perfect!

  2. says mix with cream? cream is not in the ingredients?
